Monday, November 17, 2008

November - chomp on this

A chocolate craving indicates a caffeine and sugar addiction, as well as a dependence on the mood-elevating effects of the substance. While claims have been made that dark chocolate can indeed have health benefits (reduction of blood pressure, suppression of persistant coughing, treatment of dementia, diabetes and diarrhea), the benefits begin at about 70% cacoa and above and if true, would apply to consumption of “raw” cocoa powder and not commercial chocolate. To satisfy the sugar craving you should opt for sweeter fruits, such as - yes, sweet potatoes and papayas!

The mood-elevating effect of chocolate is due to the presence of theobromine, tryptophan, and phenethylamine (synthetic derivative = amphetamine), all precursors to serotonin (one of the brain’s “happy chemicals”, similar to endorphins which are released during physical activity). A good subsititute for this attribute would be to begin engaging in regular, moderate physical exercise. Additionally, chocolate has a weak stimulating effect due to the presence of small quantities of caffeine; therefore just as with coffee, the more one consumes of it, the more one needs it. If coffee is frequently consumed, it's a good idea to choose between the two vices.

And if you absolutely cannot live without chocolate, seek out the darkest possible variety, paying special attention to the percentage of cocoa solids, not simply cocoa (which is a combination of cocoa solids – the chocolate – and cocoa butter – the fat) on the label. Furthermore, organic chocolates contain cocoa butter instead of synthetic hydrogenated vegetable oils (so are usually much cheaper). Avoid consuming it after a particularly stressful or emotional situation, which essentially programs the brain to recognize it as an immediate “soother”.